Who We Are

A partner-owned practice

Things we don’t compromise on: the quality of our people and of our work. Our leadership team embodies the Haberman values, and infuses them into every relationship and project. We nurture that commitment through a partnership-based ownership model, with several of our team members holding a personal stake in the success of the agency.

Fred Haberman

Co-founder + CEO

Sarah Haberman


Brian Wachtler

President + Partner

Doug Moore

Chief Commercial Officer

Kris Aaseng

Associate Media Director

Nicole Arnason

Media Director

Jeff Berg

Creative Director + Partner

Megan Bormann

PR Specialist

Julia Brock

Project Manager

Anne Burgart

Director, PR and Influencer

Destiny Carter-Wleh

Assoc. Account Manager

Hayley DeHaan

Paid Social Buyer + Planner

Aaron DeYoe

Sr. Designer

Chris Hansen


Stacy Helseth

Assoc. Director, HR and Operations + Partner

Paul Hupp

Media Planner, Programmatic

Gary Kanowitz


Luana Karl

Account Manager

Peter Kelly

Media Supervisor, Buying

J. Zachary Keenan

Creative Group Lead, Design Director + Partner

Amy Keepper

Account Director + Partner

Lauren Kotschevar

Media Relations Director

Nora Kubiaczyk

Account Supervisor

Vanessa Lee

Head of Talent

Cassie Moseng

Media Planner + Buyer

Maggie Pendleton

Assoc. Account Director

Dan Peters

Assoc. Creative Director

Rachel Rosen

Assoc. Project Management Director

Emily Rudie


Allison Stadnik

Media Buying Analyst

Annie Terry

PR Specialist

Maggie Thoele

Paid Media Director

John Tuttle

Technology and Facilities Director + Partner

Kirsten Wagener

Media Supervisor

Jo Watson

Director, PR and Influencer

Eva Weiner

Sr. Content Strategist

Kim Wildermuth


Jon Zurbey
