Minnesota Department of Health — Quit Partner
Inspiring diverse communities
statewide to quit tobacco
Brand Development | Campaign Creative | Strategy & Research |
Paid Media Strategy & Buying
It often takes multiple attempts to quit smoking for good, so having Quit Partner as a partner with real, proven support to remind you that you can do it is essential.
Logo Design
In partnership with members from the Black, Somali, Hmong, Latine, American Indian and LGBTQ+ communities, we co-developed Quit Partner, a brand created to help people quit smoking, vaping or chewing for good, for free. Quit Partner was launched in 2021 — and we have continued to build awareness and support enrollments in the years that followed.
Our “Keep Quitting” campaign highlights three unique quit journeys to showcase a key insight: permanently quitting commercial tobacco and e-cigarettes often takes multiple attempts. Through highlighting stories from different communities that are disproportionately impacted by tobacco usage, we celebrate the moment of courage when people who use tobacco are empowered to keep quitting in order to quit for good. In this campaign, we recognize that empathy, community and hope are essential to quitting tobacco, while positioning Quit Partner as the right supporter in this journey.
Campaign Creative
Tobacco use survey data is published by The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). Its latest report, from 2022, two years after Quit Partner was launched, 13% of adults in Minnesota smoked — an 11% decrease from just three years prior (14.6% in 2019), and 7% lower than the national average rate (14%). This amazing progress reflects the totality of the efforts to reduce smoking, of which Quit Partner is one important piece.
The next report is expected to be released this summer, and we will update you with (fingers crossed!) more significant declines to the rate of commercial tobacco dependency in Minnesota.
- Quit Partner is now established as the go-to source statewide for help in quitting commercial tobacco
- The program engages 25+ community and specialty healthcare provider media partners to reach priority audiences.
- Paid media delivered 15% over its 2023 impression goal, mainly through digital media efficiencies and value-added negotiations.
- Strong execution of the holistic paid/owned/earned program delivered 67% more clicks than planned last year to the quitpartnermn.com website.